Group Guitar Classes
To secure your spot, please Read our Group Lesson Information & Policies found at the bottom of this page, then
fill out the online Registration Form, and send in your tuition.
Monday 2:30-3:30pm
Dates for Group Guitar: Beginning Monday, January 23, 2023 – May 15, 2023
Classes will be held at
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
501 S Dale Mabry
Tampa, FL 33609
Recital Dates
To Be Determined
South Tampa
Tuition and Fees
To secure your spot, please read our “Group Pricing Information and Policies” and fill out the “Group Registration Form.”
There is not a registration fee. Your “Group Registration Form” your payment secures your spot.
A completed “Group Registration Form” indicates that you have read and understood our “Policies and Procedures.”
Please, indicate your preference on our”Photo Release” at the time of Registration, as well.
Some instruments may also be rented for a small cost. Please contact Keri to let her know if you need an instrument, at the time of Registration.